10.03.2016, 11:35
This is my lea lea cat. I make it for a friend and she have choose the color!
Lea Lea Cat
10.03.2016, 11:49
Your cat is beautiful!
I really like this pattern an the colours you used are perfect for this
Liebe Grüße,
Annili ^^
10.03.2016, 13:54
I absolutely ADORE the blue eyes!
Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, then it is not yet the end.
DANKE an Rabenkauz für meinen genialen neuen Avatar: die Tigermaus!
10.03.2016, 17:35
It#s so awesome - the colors you choose... I really like it <3
[size=12]Lady Red Virus[/size]
10.03.2016, 17:45
So cute!
Schöne Grüße
Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der schönste deines Lebens zu werden. Mark Twain Meine Patenkinder sind Hasu-no-hana und Flora
10.03.2016, 20:16
She is very sweet, I like the colors ^^
LG, Katinka
Meine Homepage: http://katinkaduval.jimdo.com, http://katinka-duval.deviantart.com Mein Shop: http://just-bead.de/
11.03.2016, 10:00
She is soo sweet
The colors you used are realy beautiful ! I like this cat
11.03.2016, 15:49
Really lovely
The colors you've used are very natural, and the blue eyes are so sweet
15.03.2016, 10:58
Very sweet, I like the colors. They look natural.